Honestly I feel like I am LOSING my mind with my 2.5 year old who sounds like your DD. He has been congested, coughing, wheezy, stuffy, etc. You name it! No fever though and he acts fine. Have taken him to the pedia and the allergist and while his allergy tests have come back ok and his pedia says he is fine - maybe viral and/or allergies, theres no real answer. I am thinking viral/and or allergies which it TERRIBLE IMO b/c theres really nothing I can do. I've given him Zyrtec once. Not sure if it helped, but maybe I should give it to him more before deciding??? The allergist said there are SOOOOOOO MANY allergens outside thats its impossible to test for everyting. I know its the height of allergy season, as I suffer BIG TIME. He is not allergic to common mold, pet dander, dust mites so I can't blame the indoors. We use a humidifier constantly. I sometimes give him chest/nasal decongestant (Triaminic) My pedia siad it was fine at his age (only 1/2 tsp do I give periodically) I may try the zytrec more often and see. His nose seems to be stuffy deep inside but dry and crusty upfront - I try to get vaseline in there as much as possible. I am on a constant look out for all this to turn into an ear infection. If it seems like he is progressing into one I give tylenol with the decongestant. I am always borderline going to the pedia to check it all out b/c of worry about asthmatic episodes (he had one once with a bad upper resp infection)or ear infections. Both which he is notorious for getting but so far it hasn't seemed to progress into that. His mood and energy level are fine. Oh and my son is allergic to peanuts and the allergist said MANY of his symptoms are extremely common in children with ANY Food allergies even though they are not exposed to the allergen and they are not really showing sign of any particulr new food allergies. I guess its just all part of the package...which kind of makes NO SENSE to me but being a HUGE seasonal allergy person, I know I can suffer from SOOOO MANY things - mildly - in the environment and like the allergist said - its hard to really pinpoint exactly sometimes without extensive testing and if you've ever done the tests, its not something you'd probably want to keep putting your child through unless there was a serious concern. I've hear air purifiers work wonders for other kids with these issues. I personally have not tried it yet. I think your pedia is right. She checked out your daughter and saw no signs of infection but even if it is allergies or a cold b/c of all the mucous, it could easily turn into illness b/c the bacteria and germs just get trapped. So keep a close eye on changes. Try Zyrtec for children and maybe an air purifier at night. It seems the night and morning are the worst for my son too! I really need to get that air purifier!!!!!