YMCA Kids University
YMCA afterschool program (similar)
Public/Charter School's (aka their school's) afterschool program
Public/Charter School's daycare (similar)
Your old private school's afterschool program (many are "open" to the public, but with limited slots it's families like yours that have ties to the school who can get in)
Your church's afterschool program
Google Chicago Afterschool Programs
Around here (since it's a city, and a predominantly dual income city), there are hundreds of options... and they run on one of several common 'platforms'. Like hourly, daily, weekly, monthly; or session based (session A session B session AB, for x number of weeks or months); or flat rate.
'Round here... 2.5 hours a day, 5 days a week, is about $1500 a quarter (or apx $100 a week per kid) through the YMCA. The same, on a drop in basis through other programs is about $50 per day ($250 per week).
Which is part of why sooooo many people don't use afterschool programs, but trade off with friends, or pay friends/neighbors/family for afterschool care. Or have 1 sahp. (Daycare costing more than they make)