while I"m a big advocate of "raising my own child" not letting the daycares, etc do it... be assured that there are plenty of parents that are forced to work full time after the first 8 weeks, and they do just fine. It's about the quality of time when you are together!! You're school schedule is short term. While on one hand maybe he's a bit young, on the other it's not forever. Just be sure your choice of programs is going to make you enough $ on the flip side to make that time away worthwhile. Cosmetology can be great if you do it right and hit the right location, but alot of the time it will be fun for awhile then you'll want to do something else because it's not as stable. Are you just going to school, or work + school? Either way he'll be okay, but if you're doing JUST school that's alot less than the 30hrs you were working, so it's even better.
Good Luck to you! He'll be okay.