I would bet the rash is being caused by something internally.
The skin is a detox organ. You will notice that many internal viruses and bacterias will cause a rash to emerge on the skin. A small example:
staph bacteria- large, red, hot to the touch, rash
strep bacteria- red hot rash, can present in different ways depending on the strain of the bacteria and where it is in the body
foot and mouth virus- bumpy red rash on hands/feet
Borrelia B bacteria from lyme - round bullseye rash anywhere on body
fungal colony in feet- cracked itchy rash around heels.
.....and more.
I have read that excema is caused by roundworms living in the intestines. (im not saying that is it, but you should look into this)
There are hundreds and hundreds of organisms that can infect us internally.They are living organisms, and they deficate/urinate substances which are a toxin to us. Our body tries to rid us of it. we can vomit, have diahrrea, get rashes, headaches, nerological symptoms,and discharges of all sorts.
My sister has Psoriasis and we gave her SAMENTO,( an antibacterial found online that is used against Borrelia and other mycotoxins), and it has helped her. (not cured her, but helped her.) I think she should do a deworm and a heavy metal cleaning and she would get MUCH better)
The problem with steriods is that they thin the skin, permanently if i remember correctly. They will also feed a fungal infection, so if you put it on a rash and it gets worse, If it were me I'd discontinue it and try an antifungal.
Tea tree oil is an antifungal/antibacterial but it is topical use only. It can stop the progression of a comming cold sore in its tracks and start the healing process.
Oregano oil is one of the better antifungals for internal use- I call them pizza drops-I put two drops under my kids tounges(gets to the blood stream faster) 2 times a day. It is also antibacterial.
Believe it or not, Iodine is one of the best antibacterial/antifungal/antiprotozoa/antiparasite solutions. (remember in the old days they would put iodine on everything?)It can help you detox your body. Bodies high in heavy metals are a paradise for invaders to thrive. www.Vrp.com carries Idoral which is an internal iodine. Or just look online for natural food sources high in iodine. It is said that many of us are deficient.They used to put iodine in baked goods, but now they have replaced it with bromine, which acts against iodine. Chlorine flushes iodine out of body.
* Fulvic acid is a safe solution to detoxing the body and feeding it with essential trace minerals that are lacking now in our food. I put some on a house plant and the next thing i knew It has two inches of bright green new leaves! Fulvics are a must, I give this to my family too. I give it with other vitamins or antibacterials because it helps with the absorption. Look up fulvics online.
*Boric acid (found at the pharmacy where the eyewash is) also does wonders because it has antibacterial/antifungal properties. I put it with a small part of coconut oil, and make a salve out of it to use when I get cracks on the sides of my mouth. It would heal them completely by the next day, whereas an antifungal would take several days and sometimes it didn't want to go away at all. I also use it for vagintitis, whether fungal,bacterial, or protozoal. you can put in in 00 caplets, and insert one at bedtime. Look up the healing properties of boric acid online!I actually found a study on pubmed that said boric acid was used to successfully cure recurrent vaginitis on a 6 month course of treatment in women who could not get cured using the standard course of medicine from the doctor. Boron normalizes estrogen, prevents cacium loss in bones, keeps fungus at bay, raises metabolism, and more. Anyway, there is a way to take it internally - there is There is a solution for eczema: into one gallon of water put 1 tea sea salt, 3 pinches baking soda, and 1/2 tea boric acid. mix it up and drink this throughout the day. (take weekends off.)
Baking soda and boron were substances the people in the old days used. The pharmacutical industry does not want people to use them because it means less money for them!
Another thing I would do is buy a filter to take the chlorine and floride out of your tap water. These substances can cause toxic and heavy metal buildup and allow organisms to thrive. Chlorine kills the benificial flora in the gut, and also vit A,B,C,E and Omega 3/6/9. Chlorine supresses immune function and is estrogenic.
Vitamin B deficiencies are common and it can cause different kinds of skin ailments like eczema, dermatitis, crusting around ears,forhead, scrotum, cracked sore lips,etc. use the b complex drops daily(at walmart). I think these deficiencies are caused bu an imbalance in the gut due to parasites and also too much feeding of parasites with sugar/carbs/and chemical laden food.
Echinacea is suppose to be good for eczema.
* Artimesinin, ground cloves and black walnut hull used together are the regime that can clean the body of parasitic worms. The cloves are for killing the eggs. You can buy your own whole cloves and grind them at home and put them in caplets. In the old days, people were dewormed every six months! Now, vets will still tell you to deworm your livestock every six months, but doctors don't tell you to deworm!!! They don't even aknowledge parasites, but every living thing has parasites on and/or in them.
Bentonite clay absorbs metals/toxins/bacteria/fungi and is given by natural doctors who are trying to make patients well who have bacterial overload.
Good luck.