My son has autism and attends half day in his IEP class and half day in a mainstreamed classroom, so I know all about having to buy for a lot of teachers on a small budget! One thing I wanted to mention, you shouldn't really feel obligated to buy for ALL on your son's IEP team (unless you really want to). I buy for his mainstream teacher, autism teacher, 3 aides that take turns attending to him in the mainstream class, 4 daycare aides and 2 bus drivers. I don't worry about his speech and occupational therapists as he only is with them once a week. Last year I purchased Christmas mugs at Joanne Fabrics (they were a dollar each), a box of "upscale" hot chocolate packages (which I got at target for around $5 for the box), and the little russell stover boxes of candy (the $1 size ones) for each mug. I wrapped a package of the hot chocolate, package of the candy, and a couple candy canes up with the mug and probably spent under $5 per person for a pretty decent gift!