
Updated on September 12, 2008
J.C. asks from Grovetown, GA
11 answers

My husband and I have been sepereated for 6 months living in seperate states. A divorce is going to take place when finances allow. Does GA consider it adultery if you are involved with another person while seperated? He keeps threatening to get lawers invoved because I have dated a little, even though he is living with his girlfriend. If anyone knows about these laws, information would be appreciated.

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answers from Macon on

This first question would be, are you legally separated? If you are not legally separated, meaning paperwork filed with the Court, then it may be considered adultery. However, don't let his idle threats scare you. If he is living with someone else, how dare he?!

I, too, am dealing with an adultery/separation issue rihgt now. He says he wants to work on things and this has all just happened in the last month, but I am lost and confused and hurt and mad as hell right now.

I am also a legal assistant and can get some answers to questions through my resources at the office or by asking some divorce attorneys I know(I have been asking a lot of questions myself lately).

I would be happy to talk you you more if you are interested. I am a 33 year old mother of a 19 month old little girl who, as I mentioned above, is in the process of separating from my husband of 7 1/2 years, but we have been together for 13 years & I live in Macon. You can email me directly at if you would like.



answers from Augusta on

It sounds a little two faced dosn't it? However tread softly as you know this is the bible belt and the mother should be pure to take care of children. Not my thinking, but I am just warning you as a friend lost her children even though divorced. Her husband on the other hand had lots of girlfriends and he got the children. Not fair. What ever state you live in with the child is the place to check on this problem.

Good luck



answers from Spartanburg on

I don't know,but I wouldn't let him scare you.Get proof of him staying with the other lady.Pictures,anything;don't let him know until your divorce!Don't pay any attention to him.He doesn't want you to see anybody,but he does!What's good for the goose is good for the gander!



answers from Athens on

Be careful about that- try to get the ball rolling before you date. It may come up in court and reflect poorly on you if he wants to use that as a focal point. GA does ask that you are seperated 6mths prior to divorce, and - if you like, I have lots of info on that matter. I actually prepared my own papers, saving tons of money and I can give some advice on that, I am out of town til the 18th of Sept. , but after that I would be glad to help you on that matter, esp. if you can get him to file uncontested.



answers from Augusta on

My thought on the matter is that you need to tell him to grow up and just leave you be like you will him.Tell him to live a happy life and let you do the same.Both of you need to be considerate of both wanting to spend time with the child and both agree it would only hurt the child to make this lengthy.I say try to talk to him rationally with no anger or attitude and ask him to atleast act like an adult through this.You 2 seperated to be happy b/c you werent happy together so ask him why all the anger if he is happy and it's what he wants.I also wouldnt be to concerned with the court not giving u custody or w/e ur seeking b/c you've dated,he is just as guilty so you cant point the finger with ur hand in the cookie jar.Just gain what proof of everything about him until its time for court and present it as needed.And try not to get to emtional and unrulely at court lol restraint can go along way in court,especially if he shows his butt.



answers from Savannah on

He can't do anything with that because he is living with his girlfriend. In fact he has to prove that you had sexual relations with someone which is kinda hard to do unless a kid is involved. My husband and his ex went through a divorce a year ago in December and we were together almost 4 years when it was finalized. She had a child by that time with someone else and we had a daughter together so neither persued. If you want an inexpensive way to file for divorce we did it ourselves. We purchased the paperwork online for only $30 and followed the instructions on filling and filing the paperwork. In the end total amount we paid was $30 paperwork, $100 file, $40 parenting class that you are mandated to take if children are involved. If you and your husband can agree on child support, visitation, etc. then this is the easiest way and least expensive. Good luck!



answers from Charleston on


Yes I lived there (GA) for most of my life and the court will see it as that, or at least they did with me. If you would not mind me giving a little advice having been just where you have been.

It is private so I would rather tell you my story off of this site. If you would like advice from me and would like to know my story send me your e-mail and or phone number and I would gladly telly you what I have been through.


A mother of three who has been just where you are at



answers from Macon on

Unfortunately, he can use it against you. There are major double standards in the courts. Moms cannot date or see anyone but if the father does, "it's okay". I have seen 3 friends lose their children that way. Just be careful and do get picts or recordings of him saying something about his other woman that he lives with. In the state of ga. a recording is admissable in court as long as one of the two parties know they are being recorded.

Good luck.



answers from Augusta on

It is very tricky. You have to have proof (pictures etc.) There is nothing wrong with going out on dates. As long as you are not "sleeping together". He has nothing if he is living with a girlfriend though. However if you havent signed seperation papers you are still legally married. If you have then you are free to do as you please



answers from Myrtle Beach on

Ga law would only apply if you and your husband are filing for divorce in that state. What you should do is do a search on whatever search engine you're comfortable using and search for laws regarding adultery in the divorce origination state. If you're not able to find anything that way, contact a divorce attorney in the divorce state and ask somebody in that office that handles divorce files the question you want answered. (Bear in mind that you might have a very limited amt of time to ask a question - word it exactly how you want) - Also ask that person where you can find the law or statute to back up their answer. Good luck!!



answers from Charleston on

I'm not sure about the laws in GA but it seems to me that if he is living with a girl already it wouldn't matter if you were dating. SO,if Adultery is the case by law ( being that your only seperated) he is commiting it himself. I commited adultery and admitted it, I thought I would get my divorce over with sooner but it still took 19 m, so in the meantime I still was seeing the guy that I now ended up marrying, but I never exposed him to my 2 boys. You have to be very careful of that. Good Luck.... if your not happy don't stay together just got the kid. T....mother of 3 boys and 1 step-daughter and wife to a wonderful Man!

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