You have gotten many replies with good advice. I just wanted to add that we, too, are in the process of adopting a toddler, who is part of a sibling group that we chose as well, through txdps...foster care system. It has pros and cons just as adopting through any other resources such as international adoption or domestic private agencies.
In response to B R's negative comments, txdps offers an informational meeting where you can find out everything before you have to "jump through hoops" as she stated. We went to one, asked many, many questions and were able to talk with several agencies who were present that you can go through that answered additional questions as well. That way you know (before you have to strike out on your own making calls) if it is going to be a fit for you and your husband to go through in order to adopt a child. Go to their website (I believe another poster may have given you the exact site) and look up when their next meeting is or use the contact button and inquire. It really is helpful to find out this information before you sign up to go through the foster/adopt licensing classes.
Two good things is....the costs financially is very very small if anything to adopt through the foster system and like another poster said, you are giving so much to a child who has so little. Also, if you have a good agency, they can be a TREMENDOUS source of help and support as is ours.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me and I would be more than happy to share our experience with you.