Welcome. Minnetonka is a beautiful city. We live quite close and if you ever want a play date, let me know. I have a 3 1/2 year old and a 7 month old.
One good place to start is get on this email list:
Some fun places include:
Edinborough Park, Edina: www.edinboroughpark.com
Maple Maze, Maple Grove: www.ci.maple-grove.mn.us/content/149/293/default.aspx
Hennepin County Parks District: www.threeriversparkdistrict.org/parks/park.cfm?pid=9
City of Minnetonka: www.eminnetonka.com
Kiddywampus. St. Louis Park: www.kiddywampus.com
Barnes & Noble, Minnetonka: http://storelocator.barnesandnoble.com/storedetail.do;jse...
Ridgedale Library, Minnetonka: www.hclib.org/AgenciesAction.cfm?agency=Rd
Shady Oak Beach, Hopkins: http://www.hopkinsmn.com/parkrec/shadyoakbeach.html
JW Tumbles, Edina: www.jwtumbles.com
If you want to travel a little farther, there's always the two zoo's, the mall of america, and the Children's Museum of Minnesota. You can get some free admission passes for some events at the libraries in town (first come first serve limited number) called Museum Adventure Passes. We have used several for train museums, the zoo, etc. This is the link for that offer: http://www.hclib.org/pub/info/MuseumAdventurePassFAQ.cfm
There are tons of public parks, beaches with playgrounds, ECFE classes, indoor and outdoor places to go, many in Minnetonka or very close suburban cities, such as Plymouth, Hopkins, St. Louis Park or Edina.
Feel free to contact me anytime if you want to connect more.
D. Bijou J.