Next time he takes you to court, go to court and ask the judge for a court appointed attorney because you have no money. You might consider going in advance once you get the paperwork and see if they will appoint someone then, so you don't have to keep going back. Make sure you have all your documentation together to give to your new attorney.
You both seem to be making excuse and playing games. I would recommend that you stop even if he doesn’t. Go down to the court recorder and make sure they have all your current information.
Since you know your child’s father’s address, see that that information is given to child support services….they can take it from there. The back child supports has no bearing on visitation.
Since you have “sole custody”, if you are comfortable with your child’s father taking the child for visits away from your home, that’s your decision. Given his track record and disappearing acts, I certainly would not give him unsupervised visits period.
Unless you have done something you haven't mentioned, I say FAT chance of that guy getting custody. Do what is best for your child?