Fenugreek - you have to take enough that it makes your urine smell a little like maple syrup - your local le leche league should be able to advise you on the amt to take; even your OB could.
Reglan - your OB can prescribe this to stimulate more milk production, it's generally prescribed for acid reflux, or gastrointestinal issues - but it is widely used to stimulate milk production.
Put you son to your breast more often - even if he's not latching exactly correctly, the stimulation of him sucking is more likely to cause better milk flow then the pump. Have you contacted a lactation consulatant to help u with his positioning? Sometimes the palate has alot to do with the way they latch, and the lactation consultant could help you with that, even if you only nursed from the breast once a day, it would significantly increase your flow.
I completely relactated using these methods from being bone dry. I have Lupus, and relacated sucessfully after 2 months of not breastfeeding. I also suggest a hospital grade pump. The one that looks like a mini air-compressor...