We currently have a pet rabbit that we have had for about a year. I did alot of research when I found out my husband was bringing it home. Anyway the internet has TONS of information but I'll try to give a little information here: you can buy bags of pet rabbit food, treats, & timothy hay at Walmart. Keep the hay and water out where they can get to it all the time. We feed food 1x a day - in the evening and I give him treats then also. Any of the pet stores have rabbit cages with water bottles & hay feeders. We got the largest available at that time. (I am assuming this will be an indoor rabbit ? If it's outdoors you will need a hutch - not sure where to find those.) I use large pine chips in his cage. Not supposed to be the best for them but it's the cheapest. You will need to clean out the cage at least 1x or more a week. They can get to smelling really bad ! Lettuce, green peppers, cilantro, parsely, radishes, celery are all good. Carrots are a treat for them. Don't feed tomatoes or any citrus stuff. There's other stuff but this is what we typically have on hand. Oh - bunnies LOVE LOVE LOVE to chew on the plastice over electrical cords. We replaced many computer cables & lamp cords. PetCo has some clear cord covers you can put over that they don't like. That has saved my TV cords. Well worth buying. Oh - PetCo has some information on rabbits also. Sorry this is so long but I hope it's helped some. Other than the chewing, my bunny is really not a problem and one of the easier pets I've had. If you need/want more info or ask questions - feel free to IM me.