Every child developes diffrently. Both of my girls didn't crawl until they were almost 10 months old, they just sort of "swam" or "army crawled" across the floor. Don't worry, befre you know it she will be mobile.
My 8mo old is not crawling of babbling is this normal. She is a very content, happy baby. She does get up on all fours and if she is on the kitchen floor she "scoots" on her butt. I know every child is different but my first daughter was walking by 9mo and Im sure she was babbling by now.
Every child developes diffrently. Both of my girls didn't crawl until they were almost 10 months old, they just sort of "swam" or "army crawled" across the floor. Don't worry, befre you know it she will be mobile.
First off you can't compare to other kids.
Have you addressed this to your baby's doctor?
If he/she is concerned perhaps getting an early intervention screening would help you.
Ask you doctor and if in your heart you are still worried, get an eval done to put your mind at ease.
It'll only help you in the long run
Let me talk about the scooting first. Some children never crawl. Also, your first daughter was an early walker. Most children don't walk until the are closer to a year or a little older than a year.
Your daughter is probably fine. I would double check with her doctor about the not babbling, though. I wouldn't be concerned if she makes some sort of verbalization (even if it doesn't seem to mean anything) to you and people around her. Sometimes with second children, the first child does their talking for them so they don't speak until later. But it is always better to check with your pediatrician if you are worried. He/She can evaluate your child and refer you to the proper resources if necessary.
Just remember each child is different and develops at their own pace.
Good luck with your daughters.
well i can tell you that my daughter did not crawl till 9 months so i know about this if you are concerned about a developmental delay i would ask your doctor to refer you to Early intervention they will come to your home and evaluate your baby and if she has a 25% delay you will qualify for in home services no matter what the problem is this is a free service and the purpose is if they have a delay to catch it early and work with her to improve hope i helped
This is probably normal for your daughter.
My daughter, now 4, didn't crawl until she was almost 11 months old, and didn't walk until about 15 months. She was very content to sit and watch stuff or just play.
As for the speech, I am sure that is fine too, just keep an eye on her and as she gets to 18-24 months, if she isn't improving, get her evaluated by Early Intervention through your state. That is far off to worry about now, but just keep that in mind.
Hello K.,
I have a 20 month old and he does not say as much as I think he should.He did not crawl when I thought he should, but I gave him time. But I know that every child is different. Once child may talk on time, but another may walk later. So, I don't see it unusual. All children do things at different stages and at there own pace.Unless you see other major problems, I think you can breath easy. If you still fell uneasy consult with your physician, he/she should be able to put your mind at ease.
My cousin was 4 years old before she decided to even speak - now we can't keep her quiet - the same thing with crawling - I know many butt scooters - when they are ready they will do it - just keep encouraging her and supporting her.
creator of www.PottieStickers.com toilet training system
All kids develop at different stages. Your 8 mo. old make just go straight to walking and skip crawling. My daughter did that. She would scoot around and then by about 10 - 11 months she was walking. If you are really concerned talk to your pediatrician about it and your next well visit. She will probably start babbling soon too. I don't think it is abnormal at this age, again, best to check with your dr., it may ease your mind. Hang in there.
I have a 2-1/2 year old boy that didn't crawl or babble at all. Like your child he would just sit and be very content. He didn't even "scoot" as you put it. He ended up walking without ever crawling. The talking he didn't start until he was 2 (not even a peep), but now it is nonstop. My 7 month old is just the opposite. Since day one she hasn't been quiet and as I type this she is squealing and crawling all around and pulling herself up. I'm amazed at the difference between the two so I can understand your concern. Every child is different and as parents, especially us Moms, we tend to get nervous when we do comparisons. Talk it over with your pediatrician but I think you will find that it's just normal for your little one to be doing what she is doing! Good luck!
Try to put her on all fours and placing you'r hands on her stomach,move her front to back(like swing slowly on the floor, but let her hands and feet touch the ground) Once she can figure that she can move back and fourth without moving her feet and hands, she'll do that for a couple of days and then she'll want to start crawling. You will want to try that for a few times a day. She'll get it or she just might not crawl and rather walk. Some children just don't like to crawl. But that is what helped me with my daughter.
Good luck
Don't get frustrated, it will work itself out...
I've known a lot of kids that never crawled. In fact I knew a family of four kids that none of them ever crawled. They all scooted like your daughter does. My older daughter was walking at nine months too and my boys didn't walk until 12 and 14 months. And one of them was her twin!!! Don't stress about it.
You may want to have her hearing checked for the babbling. She may have some fluid trapped. That happened with one of my sons, they said it was like he was under water all the time.