I have a 7 month old that we are just now starting to get the whole sleep thing worked out. I am still breastfeeding with three meals a day. He used to take a bottle untile a month ago, then he stopped. He was taking 3 30 min. naps a day. He was sleeping in our bed.
About a week ago I had had enough. I realized that he is now old enough to start sleeping in his own bed. So I started that night with a method my pediatrician told me works best. He told me to start doing it at 4 months old, but I was not ready. Anyways, I had to let him cry. Every 5 mins. my husband or I would go in there and rub his back and tell him we love him and it is time to go night-night. We stuck with the same wording so he would know these words and know it was time to go to sleep. We would never pick him up. The first night it was about 25 min., and as the week went along it got shorter and shorter. It has been 1 week and two days and he is to the point that we put him in his bed around 7:30 say the words to him, pat/rub his back, and he may fuss for 1 min. and then goes to sleep. Since I have been doing this he has been taking longer naps. Yesterday he took a 2 1/2 hr nap, a 45 min. nap, and a 30 min. nap. I just don't know what to do with all this time on my hands. Ha/Ha. I also started to put him down in his bed during the day when he starts rubbing his eyes. I think before he was over tired and that is why he was not sleeping.
He woke up 3 times last night. I only went and got him 1 of those times to feed him. I think breastfed babies never get that full feeling like with formula, so I want to make sure he is not hungrey at night, and when I feed him at night he eats. But the other times he woke up, I would let him fuss. He olny will fuss 30 sec. and then go back to sleep.
One more tip, I have started putting him on his stomach, and he sleeps so much better. He is deff. old enough to roll over and lift his head so I am not worried about SIDS. All my other friends babies sleep on their stomach.
I am a first time mom, so I deff. have alot to learn but I fiqured I would share my experience with you.
I hope things go better for you. I know it is hard.
Part time working mother of a beautiful 7 month old son, and wife to a wonderful husband.