OH my goodness my inclination is to scream a loud resounding nooooooo. Do not wake him up. Unless you have work, or he has to go to school or he has a wrestling match. He will promise to wake you up, and believe me this time passes. Way too quickly. Like twenty four years already and another eighteen for the second one. They both woke up and were lousy sleepers. There were always the SMUG other mothers who looked down at me when I said they woke up twice or five times and they of course had little princes Who slept 12 hours at night, weighed the perfect amount with their regular feedings and they had two eighty eight minute naps a day. Oh please learn that you are the mother of this very special little person and there are way too many advice givers out there.If your child doesn't sleep just like everyone else's and you are pooped don't worry it really will pass. One day you won't be able to get his hand off of pizza and get him out of bed for the life of you. So oh, just hug, hug the little guy and at seven months old the only major consistency he really needs is your guys love. I used to hear how when I let my kids sleep because my hubby worked the night shift that they will be warped for life. Oh pleeeeeeeze. one more time, say after me: This is my child and I am taking wonderful care of him and if he doesn't sleep right now then I will enjoy the heck out of him. You see they really do grow up way too fast and I got a call recently from my older son in the service out in the Ocean somewhere. Just hug him and hold him. I miss my son so much I'd trade no sleep in past back for one day with my own son.