Oh my goodness. Really active kids will get hurt every once in a while. Heck my nephew was fearless, he was always taking chances.
He got hurt in all sorts of situations, sometimes at school, sometimes with his parents right there, one time with his father and then school sports.. OMG..
But he is a kid that is naturally super active.
Guess who was always getting hurt, banged up in casts.. etc.. Yep my sister, his M.. When she was a child, she was the one climbing to the top of a tree and wanting a sheet "to use as a parachute". She took gymnastics and was determined to learn to do back flips on the balance beam. Even in high school she jumped on the hood of a car and ended up sliding off and onto the street on her face!!!! She said she "knew better but did not think anything would happen."
Some kids are just daredevils, or in my case clumsy and I am always twisting my ankle, tripping or tipping over.
He is 6. This is just the beginning of all sorts of adventures that may end in some bumps, bruises or breaks. You cannot hold him back because of your fears, but you can explain to him he needs to stop and think before he takes chances. And I promise, if anyone tries to grab or tug at him, he is going to let it be known he does not like that.
Being a rent is not for the faint of heart. If HE feels like he is ready to go back to school, for goodness sakes, let him go.