Feeding baby foods at 6-12 months is to help baby learn how to eat solids - how to move his jaw, how to move his tongue, when to swallow, etc. - so baby food in the bottle doesn't help him learn that. At this point it's not for nutrition but for development.
I've been very blessed with a little boy that loves to eat, and will eat the food even if he doesn't care for it at first. (You should have seen the faces he made with green beans!) I've fed him Nature's Goodness (Del Monte) or Gerber Organic because they have no additives except water or ascorbic acid (vit. C to preserve color). Beech Nut has some good varieties, and I've heard good things about Earth's Best organic baby foods, but they're more expensive and not as widely distributed. Some baby foods taste icky because they've been cooked for safe storage - like canned produce. A baby food processor is also a good idea because when baby needs to start on chunks (to learn chewing), you simply process for a shorter time. We have one of those, too.
Sorry this is so long, but I also found my boy likes the added texture of baby cereal in his purees, so I mix in rice, oatmeal, or barley cereal to thicken the food up a bit. That way he gets additional iron and B vitamins, which breast milk is deficient in. (Breastfed babies only need iron supplementation after 6 months though: http://www.reuters.com/article/healthNews/idUSCOL56981720... ) I don't know about formula.
Hope some of this helps! Best thing, I think, would be to be persistent and patient. It can take many tries before a kid will accept a new food.
Becky E.