My 5 year old has been wearing glasses since she was about 9 months old. At first, she wouldn't wear them and threw them. Honestly, this lasted about 2 years, but I think the biggest problem was that she was soooo young when she got them and didn't understand. Now, she looks for them as soon as she gets up in the morning. I think a few things really helped once she got older...1) a rule that she could not play or watch tv or do anything unless she wears her glasses... even though your doctor said that she doesn't necessarily need to, I think you are going to have a fight when she has to wear them if you allow her to not wear them when she is doing fun things. 2) as soon as she was old enough (and your daughter is definitely old enough) I let her pick out her own glasses, ones that would make a good "fashion statement" -- she loves fashion! She picked out a bright pink/purple pair and a royal blue pair. The pink/purple pair were barbie brand and the royal blue were spongebob I believe. She thought that was cool. She wears the pink pair with pink clothes and the blue pair to match blue clothes. They were obviously more expensive, and to have two are as well, but it's well worth it to me and we always have a spare for when they break (all the time) -- speaking of this, we go to the Elmhurst Hospital Center for Health and it is completely free to fix them. We have even received brand new pairs for free. Well worth it since they have broken many times (stepping on them, washing them, throwing them in a tantrum, etc.) 3) Seeing that other people wear glasses -- you said she inherited it from you and your husband -- do you both wear glasses or contacts? If contacts, switch to glasses at least for the time being so she can see that mommy and daddy wear them all the time also. If you already wear them, that should help. Neither my husband or I wear glasses, but we both bought some (without a prescription lens) and started wearing them all the time like a fashion statement. I got mine at Claire's, I don't know where he got his. If you are anywhere near us and want to meet at a park so she can see someone her own age wearing glasses, I'd be happy to.. just write me back!
Thanks and good luck!