You are absolutely correct about her waking out of habit; she needs to learn how to fall back to sleep, on her own. The more you go in there and rock her or whatever to calm her down, the more she is going to rely on you to help her fall back asleep. Everybody wakes up periodically at night; most people fall back asleep on their own......babies need to learn this behavior as well and learn that they don't need someone (or something) to help them fall asleep.
We had 4 children within the space of 3 years, and when they were babies we taught them this early; they can calm themselves down and fall asleep on their own. We didn't have the luxury (nor did we want to) of coddling them to sleep every time they woke up.....not that we never went in there if they woke up screaming; either my husband or I would assess the situation before we went into the room; if the screaming was all out, like had a bad dream or was really scared, we would go in there and talk calmly, like a whisper to the child. Figure out what they need; if it is a dirty diaper then obviously change it......if they are just scared, DO NOT pick them up out of the crib; talk soothingly, rub their back, and tell them it is OK, now go back to sleep. If they keep doing it, to see if you come running, every hour, then have the time between their cries and you entering the room get longer each time. You will find that eventually, they will get comfortable on their own and fall asleep by themselves. This is what you want; they need to calm themselves down, and not rely on you to do this for them. Let them know that you will always be there in the house, but once you put them to bed at night (and make sure they fall asleep on their own initially), then you will see them in the morning; we all need to be quiet and get our sleep at night.
Obviously, once they get to a certain age, they don't need to be eating at all hours of the night.....offering the bottle or the binky is a crutch people use to try to get the child to stop making noise and go back to sleep. What they really need to learn is the skill of falling asleep on their own. I don't mean to sound like a mean parent, but this is a learned skill and we as parents need to teach it to our children, in a loving way. Once you do, it makes your life so much easier!! Hope this helps-