Wow, I'm having flashbacks to my daughter 3 years ago! My biggest suggestion is to stop screaming and yelling at her. It's hard, I know. You're going to be her biggest role model. If it takes you screaming at her to get her to listen, then guess what she just learned? Yep...if I SCREAM, they might listen to ME!!! Get down to her level and speak calmly and quietly to her. My daughter used to fling herself on the floor and kick and yell and I wondered who was going to be in therapy first - me or her. I didn't baby her, but I would try to change the mood. I used to try to ignore it. It didn't have an impact because she was (and still is at age 6) very stubborn and figured it was always only a matter of time until she won. (Which was something else I'm sure I accidentally taught her while I was passing out other valuable How To Create A Monster Child lessons like - yell and scream in order to truly be heard.) Anyway, I'd get on the floor and lay down on my stomach near her flailing, obnoxious body, and just watch her. When she finally stopped - I'm sure just to see if I was going crazy - I would just calmly ask her if she was done. And if she was, did she need a little love? Sometimes she would come to me for a hug and break down and cry...the sweetest little cry that was like a little relief. It's a hard age. They can tell you so much, but they feel so much more than they can actually explain. So we took these little breaks of 2 or 3 minutes of extra love. Her behavior turned around almost instantly. It took me longer to stick to my new Good Mom rule of Don't Yell To Be Heard More Clearly. When we stopped yelling, she stopped yelling. It was like learning a new language for us all :) My husband also had the dreaded commute and he wasn't up for her antics after a long day. He agreed to 3 minutes of nothing but pure love & attention upon walking in the door. It worked like a charm. She couldn't wait for him to get home. No more screaming at him, just extra love and looking forward to his arrival. It takes a LOT...A LOT...of patience.