23 M/o Daughter with Severe Diaper Rash... Could It Be a Yeast Infection?

Updated on July 19, 2013
T.R. asks from Painesville, OH
10 answers

Almost 3 weeks ago, my daughter began to develop a minor, localized diaper rash. We generally use the Up&Up brand of desitin or Original Butt Paste. When the diaper rash began to worse, we changed to the esxtra strength Up&u creme, then to the max strength butt paste. We recently purchased Pinkvax and nothing seems to be helping. We ordered Barbasol therapeutic shaving cremem online, as an old wives tale it allegedly works wonders. We let her run in the air after her bath and after diaper changes, but nothing is helping. She does not have a discharge when changed, but the area is so red, and is just beginning to not look like the average diaper rash.... HELP! Does this sound like a yeast infection?

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answers from Honolulu on

Just TAKE her to the Pediatrician... for a proper, diagnosis.
Otherwise, you are just guessing. And meanwhile, this has been going on for 3 weeks already.

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answers from Washington DC on

Possibly. Best bet have her pediatrician look to prescribe cream.

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answers from Dallas on

Lotrimin AF in foot department at drugstore is worth a try, especially if the other creams are making it worse. It is for this purpose!

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answers from Houston on

My little guy just went thru a horrible diaper rash, he was about 18 months at the time. I tried EVERYTHING! Well not the shaving cream thing only bc I didn't know about it! I would let his little tush dry and put whatever cream concoction I was using at the time, including one cream the doc called in that had never let me down! I was going to just take him in to the dic bc his skin was breaking down and he was bleeding, it was horrible. I stay home, have three kids and honestly my kids just didn't get rashes bc I am always right there to change a diaper. ANYWAY, I got this idea to get some Aveeno baby bath, the colloidal oatmeal kind with no fragrance. I bathed him after each dirty diaper, every.single.time. I would just make a lukewarm little bubble bath, with the Aveeno and let him play for about 10 min, I would lay him back and very gently clean any residual poop off the area and squeeze the rag over his bum to rinse him, (I would wipe him very gently with alcohol free wipes prior to the bath). Then I stood him up and rinsed him with pure water. Then I would lay him on the changing table with a big towel around his upper body and leave his little tush exposed to air and I would just play with him while his hiney dried. Then I used overnight Walmart brand cream, once he was on the mend I switched to A & D ointment. Sometimes it was three baths a day, but I did it and he healed, no doctor required. For wet diapers I just used alcohol free wipes. So if you have time, you can give that a try. It was tedious, but did the trick, he was so much better in just a day. Good luck!


answers from Boston on

Could be. You may need an antifungal to get rid of it. It's tough because it's such a wet area! Try cutting back on dairy and increase probiotics, but that won't be enough by itself. I'd have the pedi take a look at it. You've put so many things into the mix in a concerted effort to try everything, but it's possible some of those things are actually contribute to the yeast growth at this point. Try using just wet, warm cloths and not wipes. I know that's annoying but you want as few irritants in that area as possible. No powder or talc - that retains the moisture and increases yeast growth. Good luck - poor little thing!



answers from Boston on

I agree that you might want to check in with the pediatrician. The Dr. can make a proper diagnosis and help you find a better treatment plan. I will say we had great luck with Triple Paste diaper cream, as well as making our own based on our Dr.'s recipe (can't remember exactly but I think it had neosporin, lotramin and desitin in it). I hope you find relief for your daughter soon. Good luck!



answers from Cleveland on

Yes, most definitely. It looks very similar to a diaper rash but nothing helps it other than the ointment the doctor will prescribe. I'd get her in to the doctor asap.


answers from Wichita on

Hello! Best to check with a pediatrician on this. However, I'll share our story/info.

We had a similar situation with our daughter (just turned 3 and potty trained since about 2.5 yrs old). It started as a regular cold/virus around 2.5 yrs of age. Diaper area was really red and at the time, we weren't sure if it was all the mess of being sick or wiping too much/not enough during potty training. The doctor recommended that we keep the area covered with petroleum jelly...not goops of it, but enough to keep a barrier over the red area to allow it to heal but also protect the skin from future pee/poop contact. Fast forward a few months (where we had seen the pediatrician 2 times). The diaper rash had not completely gone away. DD was completely potty trained. We started noticing other signs of dry skin. Fast forward a few months later, and she was diagnosed with eczema. We have been working with an allergist and doing food logs/eliminating various foods, etc. She is just finally looking clear in the diaper area (although, she still is red on other areas of her body).

I'm not saying your daughter has eczema. That would a be a leap given the small amount of info you've provided thus far. BUT eczema does usually wait until 2-3 years of age before it shows up. You might look her over to see if there are any red/dry patches of skin elsewhere on her body. Common places for my daughter are the back of her neck (along the hair line), inner elbows, backs of knees, diaper area, wrists...

It might be a food allergy that is just showing up (and believe me, neither my husband nor I have any known food allergies, so we were very surprised with our daughter).



answers from Wausau on

I'd take her to the pediatrician. It could be a yeast infection, it is common, but you don't give specific enough info. IT can be treated with an OTC antifungal, but since you're uncertain you should get confirmation from a doctor before you put any more things on her skin.



answers from Cleveland on

Doesn't sound like a yeast infection. My daughter had very sensitive skin and she would get rashes similar to what you are describing several times/year. Our pediatrician told us we needed to heal the skin before we could deal with the diaper rash itself. We put Neosporin on the open skin/rash first and then covered in diaper rash cream. It would take a few days, 3-5, but worked every time.

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