My child does not have Touretts. She was diagnosed on the Autistic Spectrum. It is sensory issues that cause a lot of these things. She would clack her teeth together. I simply would tell her that that wasn't good for her teeth. It took a while but she stopped. She then moved on to do a motion in the air with her hands. I simply ask her what she is doing because I want to do it with her - this makes her conscious of it and she stops.
We do home school because her major problem is with too many people in one place and she can't get the academics if she is overwhelmed with sensory issues around her.
All kiddos have issues of some sort. There is not what people call a "Normal Typical Child". Anyone who uses this term is in denial of their children.
I have four and each one has their own little "Quirk".
That is whats makes everyone unique and different.
We do not medicate for any reason, the medication is not made for children and while it may help at the moment they don't know the long term damage to the growing brain of the child.
We could medicate her for stress and send her to a room full of 25 squealing kids but what would that really do for her. We put her in situations that help de-sensitize her but in moderation not all at once.
Good Luck