Jacy gave good suggestions and what many Moms have done.
My son, had his Binky for awhile too... like your son. But, at about 2-2.5 years old.... we too discovered his "bite" was getting affected. So, we had to stop his binky. Gradually though. We talked to him about it, made its presence less and less.....then only gave it when he asked... then limited the places he could take it (ie: not outside etc.), then only at bed/nap time. THEN... one day we got a bag, and WITH him, we gathered up ALL his Binkies around the house.... we told him "we need to give it to Santa, so he can help other babies..." etc. And our Son actually "helped" us put all his Binkies in the bag. Then we put the bag "away" and said "bye bye." After that... that was it. Fortunately, my son adjusted pretty well. He did ask for it sometimes, but we reminded him about Santa needing it and how he was so nice to help etc. Luckily also, my son still napped and went to bed without it, really well. Just a couple days/nights of having a hard time settling down, but he did not cry or scream or tantrum about it. But I also co-slept with him too. But overall, he understood... but it was the "habit" he "missed."
BUT, my son STILL has his "lovey" of course... a lovingly worn stuffed cow, that he always has and sleeps with.
I know it may put a kink into your son's existing nap/sleep routines... but, well, his teeth alignment is getting affected...
Perhaps, let your son have something else to soothe with??
It may be hard seeing your son "miss" his Binky... but perhaps, ask your Dentist about it... some say you need to stop if their teeth/jaws are getting affected, right away.
Some say, as long as it is done before 3 years old. Some say as long as it is before their permanent teeth get in. Some say it will self-correct, if taken away sooner.
*I'm so sorry about your Dad... I lost my Dad a few years ago. I really recommend "grief counseling" or a grief support group... it REALLY helped my Mom immensely, and she made great friends there as well. Allow yourself to "feel"... and process through your grief... if you keep it inside, that is not always the most efficient way. Or, talk about it with your Partner.
All the best,