I want you to know that all babies have gas, but there are some kids that have it worse or something else that is blamed on gas. Make sure you tell your Pediatrician when you visit.
I second the Gripe Water, they sell it right at Walgreens so it is not some mysterious medicine only available online.
I tried every brand formula on the market generic and the big brands to help my daughter when she had colic but I would recommend Enfamil products as the superior product. I will never forget the month that I was so desperate to try anything that I had four cans and two bottles of premade formula lined up on the counter and we did a taste test as well as a crying baby test and we decided Enfamil was the best tasting, happiest baby brand. Sign up for the coupons, sign up your mom, your dad, your brother, your neighbor anyone who does not have kids and have them save them for you for the coupons too then you will be spending the same amount as generic formula.
Good luck this will pass sooner than you can imagine right now.
Another thing that helps is the bottles, I would recomend either the Playtex drop ins or Dr. Browns for gas. As I bought every bottle on the market in my desperation as well.