Your post is my life! I have an 11 month old breastfed baby who just started sleeping through the night, 7pm-5:30 or 6am. I know it's early in the morning. And I know every mom has their own opinion, so here's my two cents. I would not push the bedtime later and I would not give up the morning nap. When my first born went through this stage, we experienced the same thing...about 10 1/2 hours sleep at night with two 1 1/2-2 hour naps. When you add it all up that's 14 hours (+/-) which is great for an 11 month old! I advise you keep the morning nap until baby is consistently 7pm-7am (or 12 hours at night) and not sleeping during one of the times you put him down for a nap. (For my son this was about 14 months.) At that point, adjust slowly to one afternoon nap after lunch. Down the road if/when that nap gets to be long (like 4 or 4:30pm), then adjust bedtime a bit later. Neither of my boys have ever slept in because we put them to bed later, so that strategy results in less sleep in our house! One suggestion to try to get more sleep from him now is to keep the nap times close to what they were before. Try 8:30 instead of 8 (mentally this helps me so that we're not done with the first nap at 9:30!!) to stretch the sleeping time in the morning to 10 or even 10:30. Then try to get him to sleep closer to 1:00...My last piece of advice is to make the first 1/2 hour to hour of awake time in the morning as restful as possible. I nurse my little guy and then we read a bunch of stories (he's still in his pj's and sleepsack) with a little light on. Once big brother's up we do breakfast/solid foods/active time/fresh air outside, etc before morning nap. This is just a transitional phase. I know you must be so proud of him he's sleeping all the way through!! Good luck!