I had the exact same problem with my little one. He would gag on any solids I tried to give him and would throw up all of his food that he had just ate. This was also about 10 months and everyone else's child that age was eating solid foods really well. My doctor suggested the puffs and to keep trying. He only had two teeth at this time as well. I would put them on his try every once in a while BEFORE I fed him. Once he started eating the little pieces I gave him, we moved up to the whole pieces. He would also always spit out the pieces in the Gerber 3's too. I started mixing the 2's and 3's together which was a little easier transition. It took lots of patience and persistance. My doctor just said keep trying. At 15 mo. old, we have just 2 weeks ago stopped giving him 3's. If he is not ready just wait and try again. Don't push it ~ it just frustrates you and him both.