Hi S.,
I have to agree w/what the other mothers have responded. This is perfectly normal. Some babies crawl, some never crawl but walk, some roll, some do the army scooch. It really isn't important that they be crawling at this age. My child also walked as late as 15 months. Other people would be walking her by her hands. MY response to that is "stop she will walk soon enough, then I have to chase her." Take advantage of this time to reexplore the ground level of your home for saftey hazards, before she does become mobile. I think she is right on track.
Also congradulations for breastfeeding thsi long! What an amazing triumph for you. I am a board certified lactations consultant and would be willing to answer any questions about breastfeeding or anything else I may be knowledgable in.
Last but not least. Every state has a program called Early Intervention. The Early Intervention program will come to your house, do an age appropriate evaluation and work with the child until the age of 3. I would recommend this before a physical therapist. Early intervention is free. I have recommended people to it on many occasions. I used it when my second child developed a stutter. Boy, was there alot of good and bad advice coming from family, friends and strangers. Finally when they had me convinced she would never speak a full sentance w/out stuttering. I freaked and called Early Intervention. They did a quick eval. and said that she is thinking quicker than she could talk. Guess what .......we paid no attention to it, except to ask her to slow down while she is talking. She is now 9 and I can't keep her mouth shut. She may repeatedly ask for things but no more studder.
If you are not sure where to get the info........type in "Early Intervention, & the state you live in.
Hope this helps. Remember you know your child the best and if it continues to bother you, call early intervention. Otherwise I think her weight might just be a little/lot of work to move around.
PLEASE!!!!!!! Do not let anyone tell you that your infant is over weight. Breastmilk is the best and she will thin out as she starts crawling then walking then running. Save your breath for those days. Also if you have a play pen but do not use it often......DO NOT THROW IT AWAY. Pack away saftly and pull it out at christmas time and put your christmas tree in the play pen.
H. B.
Good for you for attachment parenting. Try not to listen to people about spoiling your child by carrying them. My girls were both in slings & breastfed until 2 and they loved it.